For conference contributions and publications please see research output.
For outreach contributions please see impact and outreach.
A short PDF version (including research output and outreach activities) is available here.
- 2022, PhD in Cognitive Science, joint degree from Macquarie University (Australia) and Universities of Potsdam (Germany), Newcastle (UK), Groningen (Netherlands), and Trento (Italy), IDEALAB PhD programme
- 2018, MSc in Experimental & Clinical Linguistics, University of Potsdam, IECL programme
- 2015, BA & MA in Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
- 2012 & 2014, Non-EU student exchange, University of Vienna, Austria
Academic appointments
- June 2022 – ongoing, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Rastle Lab, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Feb 2020 – June 2022, Academic Tutor, Macquarie University
- July 2016 – Aug 2018, Research Assistant, NOLA Lab & VasishthLab, University of Potsdam
Teaching & educating
- 27 March 2023, Workshop instructor, Fitting Bayesian Linear Mixed Effects and Distributional Regression models with brms, Royal Holloway, University of London
- 7 Nov 2022 – ongoing, Instructor, ReproducibiliTea journal club and workshop series, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Academic Tutor, Macquarie University
- Session 1, 2021 & 2022, PSYU3349 Design and Statistics III
- Session 2, 2020 & 2021, PSYU2248 Design and Statistics II
- Session 2, 2020 & 2021, SPHL3311 Acquired Speech and Language Disorders
- Session 1, 2020, COGS2020 Experimental Design and Data Analysis for the Cognitive and Brain Sciences
- 18 Feb 2021, Workshop instructor, Data analysis using (generalised) linear mixed effects models in R, Macquarie University
- 21 – 25 Sept 2020, Co-instructor, Introduction to R Software Carpentry workshop, Macquarie University
Awards and funding
- 2023, Student Researcher Credibility prize, British Neuroscience Association; read the media announcement here (includes GBP 500 cash)
- 2021, Funding award for an 8-week instructor training with The Carpentries, Macquarie University (USD 1,500)
- 2020, Postgraduate Research Fund, Macquarie University (AUD 5,000)
- 2019, Conference travel award, Commission for Research and Young Academics, University of Potsdam (EUR 1,000)
- 2019, Conference travel award, Potsdam Graduate School, University of Potsdam (EUR 500)
- 2019, Financial support for participant testing and recruitment, Commission for Research and Young Academics, University of Potsdam (EUR 500)
- 2018 – 2022, IDEALAB PhD Fellowship, a highly competitive fellowship providing full tuition, stipend, and international travel costs
- 2012 & 2014, Non-EU student exchange awards, Department of German Studies & Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna (EUR 5,000)
Experimental techniques and programming languages
- Behavioural – EEG – Computational modelling – Eye-tracking – fNIRS
- MATLAB – Python – R – Stan – HTML – LaTeX – OpenSesame – Presentation Neurobehavioral Systems – Stata
Scientific societies
- The British Neuroscience Association
- The Experimental Psychology Society
- Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
- The European Society for Cognitive Psychology
- The Psychonomic Society
Professional service
- Peer-review
- Reviewer for Psychological Science, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Behavior Research Methods, Journal of Memory and Language, Language, Cognition, & Neuroscience, Instructional Science, Journal of Research in Reading, Advances in Cognitive Psychology, Language and Speech, Psychology & Neuroscience, Applied Psycholinguistics
- Conference abstract reviewer for the 2024 Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) conference, Edinburgh, Scotland
- Open science
- Organiser & instructor, ReproducibiliTea journal club and workshop series, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Instructor, Pre-registraion & Open Materials: The What, Why, and How, “Opening Up Open Science: Nuts and Bolts for Beginners” workshop, 31st annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Denmark, 10 July 2024
- Equality, diversity, and inclusion
- Postdoc rep in a successful bid for the Athena Swan Silver Award, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Mentor, In2research
Further training and development
- 2024, Workshop Introduction to Research Impact, Social Science Impact Accelerator, Royal Holloway, University of London
- 2024, Workshop Storytelling with Impact: Visual storytelling, Nifty Fox Creative
- 2024, Workshop Storytelling with Impact: Unleash the power of narrative, Duncan Yellowlees Training
- 2024, Workshop Storytelling to Success: Developing your Narrative CV, Researcher Development and Culture, University of Leeds
- 2023, Workshop Effective Grant Writing, Royal Holloway, University of London
- 2022, Introduction to Natural Language Processing in Python, DataCamp [certificate]
- 2022, The 6th Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology (SMLP), Bayesian Advanced stream, Univeristy of Potsdam
- 2021, Badged Instructor training, The Carpentries
- 2020, MOOC Python Data Structures, University of Michigan [certificate]
- 2020, MOOC Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python), University of Michigan [certificate]
- 2020, Workshop MATLAB Fundamentals, MathWorks, Macquarie University
- 2020, MOOC Python Basics for Data Science, edX (Audit)
- 2020, MOOC Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Everyday Life, University of Chicago [certificate]
- 2019, Workshop Australasian Magnetoencephalography (WAM): Neurocognitive clinical applications of MEG: Present and future, Macquarie University
- 2019, Introduction to Python, Software Carpentry Workshop, Macquarie University
- 2019, The 3rd Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology (SMLP), Bayesian Advanced stream, Univeristy of Potsdam
- 2018, Workshop Advanced Methods: Bayesian Statistics with R, University of Potsdam
- 2017, fNIRS-Workshop, NIRx Medizintechnik GmbH, Berlin
- 2016, fNIRS-Workshop, NIRx Medizintechnik GmbH, Berlin
- 2016, Workshop Standardised Tests of Cognitive and Language Development in Children (SETK 2, SETK 3-5, Bayley-III, KABC-II), University of Potsdam
Language skills
German – English – Swedish – Russian – British Sign Language (beginner) – Icelandic (beginner)